Mekonnen Leake Ethiopian funny comedy


Ethiopian artist Mekonnen Leake Ethiopian funny comedy. The population of young Africans is projected to double from the current 480 million and reach 840 million by 2050. Africa will have the youngest population in the world.


By acknowledging the innovative thinking that they bring to the table, YAWC aims to encourage the youth, particularly high school students, to reflect on the crucial role they play by providing them with a space to express themselves freely.


The theme of the contest “My Africa, My Future” will articulate their aspirations and ideals for the kind of future they want for the continent. “The contest, open to high school-going children in Africa, is purposely crafted to allow young Africans to express themselves freely on various themes related to the continent’s future,” said William Carew, the head secretariat of ECOSOCC, late Wednesday.


Aspiration 6 of the AU’s Agenda 2063’ aims to actualize “an Africa where development is people-driven, unleashing the potential of its women and youth…’. “Tonight’s event is one of such initiatives of ECOSOCC, calculated to give effect to Aspiration 6 of Agenda 2063,” he said.

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