Story of a bedridden young man was saved by the power of prayer


This heartwarming video tells The story of a person who was bedridden and unable to move but was saved by the power of prayer. this inspiring story highlights the importance of faith.

Just like how you talk to your parents, God in heaven wants to hear from you and talk to you too. When you talk to God, He hears you. God responds to your requests through ideas, emotions, religious texts, or even through what others do.


Talking to God and paying attention to what He tells you can help you figure out why you are here. God will help you figure out why you are here and how you can go back to be with Him after you die.


When you talk to God alone, you can figure out important choices in your life. God hears us and usually gives us the exact help and advice we need. Praying can help us feel calm, even if we don't get an immediate answer in the way we want.


The reason we pray is not just to tell God how to do things the way we want. In simpler words, the goal is to understand God better and do what He wants you to do. C.S. will be converted into writing that is easier to understand: As a result of an impending update, C.S. will soon be simplified and made more user-friendly. Lewis said that prayer doesn't make God change. "It makes me different."

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