Nigist Abebe had devoted her life to music


The golden age artist Nigist Abebe. Nigist Abebe had devoted her life to music. We met the family of the beloved musician Nigist Abebe. You should hear Ethiopiques CDs, particularly The Very Best Of. The music in Volume 1 sounds both strange and familiar when you listen to it for the first time. 


It's like Falceto found a special place for music that's different from the rest of Africa. This music has a mix of different styles that don't usually come together. They sound great and are played well, just like music from other parts of the world. 


The strange singing style of Muluqen Mellesse, Teshome Meteku, Seyfou Johannes, or Alemayehu Eshete, and the simple yet sharp music of Astatqe or Girma Beyene all make people who haven't heard them before confused. They might think, "What is this? "


According to Falceto, Ethiopians have a strong sense of nationalism and sometimes they can be too proud of their country to the point of being unfriendly to people from other countries. This has been going on for a long time even before colonial times. 


You can sense the music's emotion. Ethiopians don't greet people by slapping them on the back and saying "How's it going? " Instead, they look at you and think that things must be better for you here than where you come from. I think it's really good, but it can be difficult to work with them sometimes.

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