She left me with a 2-year-old child


The sad story of the Ethiopian Father. She left me with a 2-year-old child. A person can become a single or sole parent for many different reasons. You may have chosen to start a family on your own, you may be separated or divorced, or the other parent may have died.


As a sole parent, you may worry about whether you can create the happy, healthy family environment your child needs. The good news is: you absolutely can. The challenges faced by single parents vary according to their circumstances, but there are also common experiences that are shared by most single-parent families.


Children raised by one biological parent are generally just as happy as children raised by 2. A sole parent can provide the required secure emotional base, clear boundaries, love, and warmth that children need for healthy standard development.


Children can thrive with one loving role model. Spending time together is the real key to a happy and mentally healthy child. Single parenting differs from dual parenting in many ways, but the most common difference is how the parent interacts with the child.


In dual-parenting families, the parents usually decide together how to run the household, while in single-parent households, issues such as holidays or major family purchases may be more likely to be decided with the children. 


This can be a positive difference, as it supports a child in their emotional and cognitive development, and to feel included in family decision-making.

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