Zemene Kasssie's first speech after he was released


Zemene Kasssie's first speech after he was released. Concerts create a lot of buzz and excitement, and this helps boost the economy. People who work on the streets near the concert venues make more money because of all the extra people around. 


Abel Mulugeta is a 27-year-old person. He is a shoeshiner and also sells things like phone cards and gum near Ghion Hotel. Abel says he can make two or three times more money than usual on concert days. Because of Covid, we couldn't have concerts or big events and we lost the extra money we usually get from them.


Women who sell food quickly near Ghion Hotel agree with Abel's views, especially regarding the Abren Concert that happened on May 21, 2022, at Ghion Hotel. On concert days, they make more money in their business.


Abraham Ayalew, who is a person who does business, went to a concert called Abren. The concert was held in the gardens of the Ghion Hotel, which is one of the popular places for concerts in Addis Ababa. 


It had a lot of green plants and was very open. Tickets were being sold for ETB500. For a fancier experience, VIP slots were available for ETB1,300. The concert had three singers: Ephrem Tamiru, Rahel Getu, and Andualem Gosa. Ephrem Tamiru is a very experienced singer.


Abraham said that the concert tickets weren't too expensive and lots of people came which made him happy. He didn't just enjoy it. People were unhappy. Many people had their wallets stolen. Abraham says he had to protect his phone by fighting many times. He thinks that people who plan concerts don't care about those things.

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