Artist Nibret Gelaw Eke's program


Ethiopian Artist Nibret Gelaw Eke's program. What is unclear is how a dual track to the future of transportation will play out in marketplaces and supply chains. In the United States, the outlines of a coming conflict have already begun to appear. 

“Ahead: Collapsing corn prices?,” a report recently commissioned by the Agricultural Retailers Association which represents companies selling farm equipment, seeds, and other inputs, predicts collapsing corn prices and farm revenues if the sale of new liquid-fueled passenger cars is banned, as California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered starting in 2035. 

The 6 million-member American Farm Bureau Federation has joined an alliance with the United States oil industry to fight federal and state electric car subsidies seen as discriminating against biofuels and farming communities.

But many in the United States biofuels industry believe that competition on a level playing field would be much better for the industry and the effort to curb climate change than a brawl in the courts and Congress. 

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