Let the people judge me


Let the people judge me because the daughter we gave birth to is sick, my husband left me and the family moved away. Residents these days have a higher level of disposable income and as a consequence eating out has become more accessible to a wider population, therefore there is much competition for business. Seeking to rise to the top of the popularity stakes, some restaurant owners have marketed their own unique selling point (USP) to bring in business; cue the Makush Gallery on Bole Road.


Tesfaye Hiwet established Makush Gallery some sixteen years ago in collaboration with an Italian chef, who was also a family friend. At the time, restaurants for foreigners were few and far between in the city, and this venture provided somewhere for them to eat as well as an opening for local artists to display and sell their work. Over the years, the business has become very successful. They now manage over 70 artists, many of them from the Ale School of Art and Design as well as those who are self-taught.


Makush’s work with charities and NGOs has taken Ethiopian artists all over the world. Closer to home, the Restaurant is defined by the good quality and sheer variety of food on its menu. Walking into the Restaurant at lunchtime, the place is buzzing with activity. Waiters are seen dashing around delivering steaming plates of food, people laughing and chatting—clearly enjoying their experience and surroundings amongst the vibrant artwork displayed on the walls.

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