A day without Hirut Besintu episode 47


This funny TV show is about a family with different personalities and ages, and it shows what their daily life is like from their point of view. This is the 47th episode of a show called Besintu "A Day Without Hirut".


Despite people saying positive things, there isn't any proof to support their claims. People think that arts and culture are important to society, but there isn't much proof to support that idea. This is because no one has studied enough about the good things that come from doing art for a long time.


One reason why Ethiopians may not like art is because there isn't enough proof that it helps people. Many artists say that the good things that art brings cannot be easily measured and that we should not only judge its value based on measurable benefits. 


Daniel says that humans don't just need the basics of life, they also have a desire to explore and discover new things, including art. Meskerem Assegued is a person who has traveled around the world to organize art exhibitions. She also started a place called Zoma Contemporary Art Centre in 2002. 


She thinks that art is very important because it can affect many parts of our lives. "Art is all around us in things like furniture, clothes, and household items," explained the person to EBR. Meskerem thinks that artists should make it easier for people to see and appreciate their work.

Ethiopian Short Drama
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