Another phone call came out about the government and Shene


Feta Daily News on July 6, 2022. Another phone call came out about the government and Shene. Taye Dendea Aredo is a senior Prosperity Party, the ruling party in Ethiopia, official.  He is currently posted in the Oromo regional state as a senior official for the ruling party. 

In a reaction to the recurring massacre in the Wollega region of Ethiopia, he said “…security problem in Oromia has been congealed in the past three years. More than ever before our people experienced suffering.” 

Mr. Taye is also saying that telling the truth has consequences.  It leads to getting the label “power seeker.” For Taye, based on what he wrote, resolving the puzzle and enforcing the principle of accountability has reached a point where it is a question of existence [for the ruling party]. 

“Before we forget the horrifying massacre in Gimbi, another massacre has happened today [reference to the massacre that happened on Monday this week]. By the way, whose fault/responsibility is it? It is a must that there be accountability and authority that questions. Because of the accountability problem, a problem that repeats itself a hundred times,”  Mr. Taye Dendea said. 

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