The success story of Jessica cox


in this video, we will see the story of the first and only armless pilot Jessica cox's amazing story. the success story of the world's only licensed armless pilot Jessica cox. Through the years she mastered the art of swimming, driving (a car), and flying an airplane. She even earned two black belts in Taekwondo despite the absence of two vital limbs. Jessica lives her life independently using her feet in a way inconceivable to people with arms! 

She is the first person without arms to earn a black belt in the American Taekwondo Association, and the Guinness World Record, for being the first pilot to fly with her feet. The Jessica Cox success story is a lesson to never see oneself as a victim of the conditions. Her high degree of self-acceptance is an inspiration to everyone. Jessica is recognized as a world-renowned inspirational keynote speaker. She expresses critical insights on the art of approaching and overcoming challenges and turning them into opportunities.

Guinness World Record: Jessica is the first armless person in the world to have obtained a pilot’s license in 2011. AOPA LIVE Pilots Choice Award 2010: Jessica became the most-watched female aviator throughout the world. Filipino Women’s Network: She has been listed among the top 100 most influential Filipino women in the U.S. in 2009. The Success Story Jessica Cox was published in Ripley’s Believe It or Not in 2009. She was rewarded Filipino American journal award of excellence and an outstanding Filipino award in 2008.

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