What was the premier's recent speech


What was the prime minister's last speech? Public swearing is against young people. It is fundamentally wrong to make promises that he does not want to keep, especially when such promises are made publicly to the state.


Moreover, exercising higher authority when swearing exacerbated the severity of the offense. He didn't have to swear. Instead, he could have said, We would reach a mutually beneficial agreement or used diplomatic protocol. This is not to protect Ethiopia's national interests. It means respecting his word.


By all means, he should protect Ethiopia’s national interests, but without lies. He has consistently deceived the UN and Western governments by repeatedly lying about the presence of Eritrean troops. On December 9, 2020, he assured Antonio Guterres that there were no Eritrean troops in Ethiopia, but in March 2021, he acknowledged the presence of Eritrean troops in Tigray. 


Subsequently, he promised the world that Eritrean troops would soon withdraw from Ethiopia, but Eritrean troops are still in disputed territories. Once again, the issue at hand is not about the Ethiopian government’s sovereign right to invite Eritrean troops; the crux of the matter lies in his dishonesty.


Other than the withdrawal of Eritrean troops, Abiy Ahmed made other commitments to the Biden administration concerning the conflict in Tigray and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) but has failed to fulfill most of them. He promised Blinken that those responsible for war crimes will be held accountable. 

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