The unexpected actions of the old Ethiopian guy


The unexpected actions of the old Ethiopian guy. At this point in history, it might be more appropriate to label the so-called traditional societies as merely transitional, as they are fixated on pursuing their ‘development’ trajectories based on the beaten track. 

In contrast to the industrially advanced countries of the West, those in serious transition are more eager to utilize coercion as opposed to subtle persuasion, to have their ways with their sheeple. In other words, they are closer to the Orwellian dystopia than is the case in the West! Nonetheless, transitional societies are in a fix, so to speak. 

Figuring out (on their own) how to handle their existence vis-à-vis the collapsing biosphere, to say nothing about the accelerating demise of the modern world system, (in which they are situated) is overwhelming. Despite the prevailing superficial and cynical rhetoric of the global status quo, there is just no way to alleviate the protracted problems of transitional societies, without honestly appreciating their current and impending predicament within the existing global order. Unless these societies persistently pursue a more sustainable trajectory, outside of the ‘reigning box’, their future is doomed!

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